Monday, May 13, 2013

Exercise your right to vote!


                          May 13,2013 – Election day in the Philippines took place. It was the first time I voted, the first time I was able to exercise my right to vote, and the first time where I participated on the block voting.
Thankfully the scenario on our precinct turns out well. I was able to vote peacefully without too much problems and I was able to vote for the right candidates.

sample ballot 
Other people try to interfere with your set of candidates and make it a big deal!, funny as it seems that they tend to get too much affected about it. But I don't mind, because whatever happens with the result, what would matter most is the development of the country for the next few years.  
This 2013 election just happened for a day but the posters and other paraphernalia used during the campaign period all remains. After a week or two new set of public officials or re-electionist would be serving the Filipino nation.
Whoever they are, let's just hope for a brighter and better future. <3 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day Mommy!

                 I love my mother yes i do, for she is the one that has been there too!
                 I love my mother yes i do. For if i had no mother like the one i do, i would be lonely, clueless, as well as you. 
                 I love my mother yes i do for she is the one that taught me too as I go on with my life and my future.

Motherhood is pretty tough, a 24 hour job,no pay,no day off, sometimes it is unappreciated, and yet resignation is impossible. A mother is a woman who is created by God to bring love, joy, happiness and caring into his world.

During my graduation day #2013

 And I am forever thankful for having my mom right now. Problems may come as we go on with our journey together but what is important is that we always remain strong and bonded as a family.
We'll have more bondings in the future and I promise to fulfill all of our dreams.


You serve as our everything mom :) and we would always be grateful for all of your efforts!


Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Job Hunting

After all the parties and greetings from friends and families for graduating in college, what comes next then? 

Yes! exactly, the job hunting process is a must! especially for fresh graduate (like me! ;) who eagerly wanted to have a job!

I personally thought it would be as easy as it could be, but I might be wrong by that, , there might be a lot of venues to look for a job, there's newspapers, the internet and even recommendations from your family members and friends, and what makes it more pretty hard is deciding where to go and what type of job you should really go to? Series of scheduled interview are always there, mails from companies and just even sending your resume online are really making a mark already to the employers. But have we go for it? have we risk our time and efforts into it? Some may say yes, but others may not, because not until we're fully decided with our course of field in the future we cannot fully decide as to where to spend our careers.

I personally applied for numerous big companies in the countries, I received scheduled interviews for some but still waiting for others to call for me. I cannot really focused as of now, I have a lot of dreams and it kills me pretty hard! I wanted to have a job already but as of now, "PATIENCE" might be just the only virtue I should have. :)

Good Luck on my future decisions! and to your decisions as well!
