Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beat assignment..

              How the police station does really works? I’ve never thought of actually being in a police station not until I actually didJ

As part of our assignment on one of my major subject, was to interview certain people and personalities to help us solve certain issues and to let them affirm, negate or to even discussed it with us. As for my part, I was assigned to be in a police beat, where news that deals with the peace and order of the state is relevant. Because of it, I’ve visited WPD, the western police station in U.N ave., Manila, and try our luck to get the chance to interview.

And as we enter the office, immediately I’ve learned the fact that you have to ask the right person so that, you could be headed on your desired place and destination or otherwise, you might end up going home without your desired intention. And so, we’ve entered various offices and department  in WPD, and I’ve interviewed a victim of robbery where she’s complaining towards the police people, there were issues regarding rape, homicide and robbery that also gave us a sense of fear towards our stay in WPDJ but still, thankfully that there were inspectors and policemen who were really accommodating and really help us out throughout our interview experience.
It was pretty hard because there were a lot of complainants and suspects that you could hear and a lot of crimes to witness. I’ve realized that everyday in our lives there were really a lot of disorders happening in our place and although some of us hate policemen because of their dirty works, still we shouldn’t always generalized certain characteristics of them coz. There were still some of them who’s truly dedicated on their job. And to be like them of having a tedious and dangerous job since dealing with suspects and criminals are their everyday routine.
I’ve never really thought I could be in that place, but, well, I actually didJ it gave me more of a sense of confidence towards dealing with other people to interview various type of people carrying a recorder with you, it feels like a true reporter or a mass people.

I’m sure time will come where I could really be accustomed with this kind of scenario, but for the mean time, this first hand feeling I’ve experienced would truly stay into my mind.

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