Exercise your right to vote!
May 13,2013 – Election day in the Philippines took place. It
was the first time I voted, the first time I was able to exercise my right to
vote, and the first time where I participated on the block voting.
Thankfully the scenario on our precinct turns out well. I
was able to vote peacefully without too much problems and I was able to vote for the right candidates.
sample ballot |
Other people try to interfere with your set of candidates and make it a big deal!, funny as it seems that they tend to get too much affected about it. But I don't mind, because whatever happens with the result, what would matter most is the development of the country for the next few years.
This 2013 election just happened for a day but the posters and other paraphernalia used during the campaign period all remains. After a week or two new set of public officials or re-electionist would be serving the Filipino nation.
Whoever they are, let's just hope for a brighter and better future. <3
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